Is Facebook Causing More Divorces?


Facebook has become a norm in today’s society. It is a social network site that makes the world a smaller place by bringing people together through a digital medium. The social media site has become a space for individuals to share memories, daily events, and monumental news. However, Facebook has also become a space of contention that may drive couples apart.

The Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking recently released a new study examining the correlation between Facebook use and relationship stability. Russell Clayton, MA, Alexander Nagurney, Ph.D., and Jessica Smith, MA published their research in an article titled, “Cheating, Breakup, and Divorce: Is Facebook Use to Blame?” They examined 205 Facebook users between the ages of 18 through 82. Of that number, 79% were in a romantic relationship.

The study found that people who used Facebook more than once in an hour were more likely to experience greater conflict in the relationship. Participants reported feelings of suspicion and jealousy that arose while their partners used the social networking platform. Facebook allows users to reignite old friendships, which can include exes.

Many couples cited communication between their partners and exes as a source of great anxiety. The research found that Facebook acted as a medium for individuals to emotionally and physically cheat on their spouse. The study also showed a direct correlation between divorce and Facebook use.

In a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyer, statistics revealed that four out of five lawyers used evidence from social media sites during a divorce trial.

At Family Law Advocacy Group, we understand how devastating it can be to learn your spouse was unfaithful. With the rise of Facebook, it has become more common. If you want a divorce because your partner cheated, our Rancho Cucamonga divorce attorney can help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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